Nietzsche Contra the Real World


  • Joel Wainwright Department of Geography, Ohio State University


real world, apparent world, fires of Heraclitus, Europe, postcolonial, transcritical, Nietzsche, Real World


This essay outlines three geographical problem-spaces illuminated by Nietzsche. The first is Nietzsche’s counterpoint to the ‘real world’: the ‘apparent world’. The second is a non-totalizing, political elaboration of the first, what Deleuze once called “the local fires of Heraclitus.” The third, Europe, is a space that Nietzsche wrote from and against, a space best approached through a postcolonial, transcritical reading.


How to Cite

Wainwright, J. (2015). Nietzsche Contra the Real World. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 9(1), 21–34. Retrieved from