Urban Margins and the Global Intimate


  • Aparna Parikh Dartmouth College



Mots-clés :

Global intimate, global South, urban belonging, Iran, South Asia, Mexico


The papers in this themed issue draw on the feminist analytic of the global intimate to center ongoing practices of world making and offer conceptual and emancipatory possibilities for feminist urbanism. Collectively, the papers interrogate and challenge scalar and discursive notions of the ‘center,’ analyze the significance and limitations of the urban as a site of aspiration, and present strategies adopted for world making and urban belonging. Looking from Ladakh and other Indian cities, Yucatán in Mexico, and the cities of Tehran and Mashhad in Iran, the papers facilitate a dialogue across South-South contexts and contribute to reframing the process of knowledge production.



Andrucki, Max J., and Jen Dickinson. 2015. “Rethinking Centers and Margins in Geography: Bodies, Life Course, and the Performance of Transnational Space.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 105 (1): 203–18.

Cuomo, Dana, and Vanessa A. Massaro. 2016. “Boundary-Making in Feminist Research: New Methodologies for ‘Intimate Insiders.’” Gender, Place & Culture 23 (1): 94–106.

Derickson, Kate. 2018. “Masters of the Universe.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 36 (3): 556-562. https://doi.org/10.1177/0263775817715724.

Fluri, Jennifer L. 2011. “Bodies, Bombs and Barricades: Geographies of Conflict and Civilian (in)Security.” Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 36 (2): 280–96.

Gökarıksel, Banu. 2012. “The Intimate Politics of Secularism and the Headscarf: The Mall, the Neighborhood, and the Public Square in Istanbul.” Gender, Place & Culture 19 (1): 1–20.

Jazeel, Tariq. 2018. “Urban Theory with an Outside.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 36 (3): 405-419 . https://doi.org/10.1177/0263775817707968.

Katz, Cindi. 1996. “Towards Minor Theory.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 14 (4): 487–99.

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Kipfer, Stefan. 2018. “Pushing the Limits of Urban Research: Urbanization, Pipelines and Counter-Colonial Politics.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 36 (3): 474-493. https://doi.org/10.1177/0263775818758328.

Lawhon, Mary, and Yaffa Truelove. 2019. “Disambiguating the Southern Urban Critique: Propositions, Pathways and Possibilities for a More Global Urban Studies.” Urban Studies 57 (1): 3-20. https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098019829412.

Mountz, Alison, and Jennifer Hyndman. 2006. “Feminist Approaches to the Global Intimate.”

Mullings, Beverley. 1999. “Insider or Outsider, Both or Neither: Some Dilemmas of Interviewing in a Cross-Cultural Setting.” Geoforum 30 (4): 337–50. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0016-7185(99)00025-1.

Oswin, Natalie. 2018. “Planetary Urbanization: A View from Outside.” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 36 (3): 540-546. https://doi.org/10.1177/0263775816675963.

Parikh, Aparna. 2019. “Liminality of Women’s Leisure in Mumbai, India.” Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, July, Advance Online Publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/2399654419859358.

———. 2020. “Insider-Outsider as Process: Drawing as Reflexive Feminist Methodology during Fieldwork.” Cultural Geographies 27 (3): 437–52.

Peake, Linda, and Martina Rieker. 2013. “Rethinking Feminist Interventions into the Urban.” In Rethinking Feminist Interventions into the Urban, 15–36. Routledge.

Phadke, Shilpa, Sameera Khan, and Shilpa Ranade. 2011. Why Loiter?: Women and Risk on Mumbai Streets. Penguin Books India.

Pratt, Geraldine, and Victoria Rosner. 2012. The Global and the Intimate: Feminism in Our Time. Columbia University Press.

Probyn, Elspeth. 2003. “The Spatial Imperative of Subjectivity.” Handbook of Cultural Geography, 290–99.

Purcell, Mark. 2003. “Citizenship and the Right to the Global City: Reimagining the Capitalist World Order.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 27 (3): 564–90.

Robinson, Jennifer. 2016. “Thinking Cities through Elsewhere: Comparative Tactics for a More Global Urban Studies.” Progress in Human Geography 40 (1): 3–29. https://doi.org/10.1177/0309132515598025.

Rose, Gillian. 1997. “Situating Knowledges: Positionality, Reflexivities and Other Tactics.” Progress in Human Geography 21 (3): 305–20.

Roy, Ananya. 2011. “Slumdog Cities: Rethinking Subaltern Urbanism.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 35 (2): 223–38.

Ruddick, Sue, Linda Peake, Gökbörü S Tanyildiz, and Darren Patrick. 2018. “Planetary Urbanization: An Urban Theory for Our Time?” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 36 (3): 387-404. https://doi.org/10.1177/0263775817721489.

Secor, Anna J. 2002. “The Veil and Urban Space in Istanbul: Women’s Dress, Mobility and Islamic Knowledge.” Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography 9 (1): 5–22.

Simone, AbdouMaliq. 2018. Improvised Lives: Rhythms of Endurance in an Urban South. John Wiley & Sons.




Comment citer

Parikh, A. (2021). Urban Margins and the Global Intimate. ACME: E-Revue Internationale De géographies Critiques, 20(4), 341–345. https://doi.org/10.14288/acme.v20i4.2184



Themed Section - From the Margins Within (Guest Ed. Aparna Parikh)