Micro-liminal Spaces of (Mis)Gendering

The Critical Potential of Trans-Pedagogy in Post-Secondary Institutions


  • Chan Arun-Pina York University



Mots-clés :

Trans-pedagogy, misgendering, liminality, post-secondary institutions, trans expression, trans-disciplinarity


In fast-paced and continuously demanding neoliberalizing academic environments, this article proposes ‘pedagogical pause’ as an important trans-pedagogical tool to disrupt cis-heteronormativity in/of post-secondary institutions. This article discusses three micro-spaces of learning outside of classrooms (communication on listservs, work on picket lines, and navigation of hallways) to argue that as virtual, temporal-political, and multi-functional spaces, respectively, these micro-spaces of learning are critical liminal spaces that hold the unexplored potential for trans-pedagogy and yet, are constant sites of misgendering. In addressing such micro-liminal spaces of learning (and misgendering), a trans perspective can challenge both the spatial limits of pedagogy and the pedagogic capacities of universities. The article deploys a critical trans-disciplinary approach to reflect on un/heard and in/visible dimensions of everyday trans discrimination and trans expression in post-secondary institutes.



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Comment citer

Arun-Pina, C. (2021). Micro-liminal Spaces of (Mis)Gendering: The Critical Potential of Trans-Pedagogy in Post-Secondary Institutions. ACME: E-Revue Internationale De géographies Critiques, 20(5), 509–530. https://doi.org/10.14288/acme.v20i5.1901



SI - Controversy in Anti-oppression Pedagogies (Guest Ed. Nicole Laliberte)