‘Our Hearts Through Our Voices’

Community Building in Hopi Radio During COVID-19


  • Katie Moylan EU Marie Curie/ University of Leicester



Palabras clave:

Indigenous radio, community radio, transcultural production, place-based practices, grounded normativity


This article considers and seeks to amplify the community-building work of Hopi radio during the pandemic, exploring ways in which tribally-specific production practices at Hopi station KUYI FM exemplify and communicate Hopi values of compassion, empathy and resilience. In this exploration, I draw on radio practitioner perspectives and community-facing content, utilizing Indigenous concepts to analyse how KUYI’s production practices comprise ‘acts of resurgence’ (Corntassel 2012, Betasamosake Simpson 2017) as place-based practices produced within and emerging from a grounded normativity (Coulthard and Betasamosake Simpson 2016). Through this analysis, I examine in turn diverse ways in which KUYI’s COVID-19-specific programming reinforces community trust during the current pandemic and enables opportunities for building Indigenous solidarity.


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Cómo citar

Moylan, K. (2021). ‘Our Hearts Through Our Voices’: Community Building in Hopi Radio During COVID-19. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 21(1), 20–32. https://doi.org/10.14288/acme.v21i1.2108