Making a Zine, Building a Feminist Collective

Ruptures I, Student Visionaries, and Racial Justice at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


  • Feminist Geography Collective FLOCK University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Palabras clave:

racial justice, activism, pedagogy, university


Generations of student visionaries have struggled for racial justice at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Ruptures I is a zine produced by the feminist geography collective FLOCK, with contributions from collaborators, that highlights this history of struggle. This essay briefly introduces the process, themes, and motivations behind FLOCK’s production of this zine and highlights how learning about UNC’s history transformed the way we view our campus landscape and remade our relationships with one another. As we strived to illuminate the ways student activists teach us about our university, making the zine became an educational process for our evolving feminist collective. Further, as our collective has shifted and sometimes stalled in the years after we first printed it, the zine has travelled outside our circle and served as a pedagogical object for others. In the spirit of feminist praxis we reflect here on our collective commitments to creating and using the zine to subvert oppressive university hierarchies and also explore the difficulties in sustaining this collective work.


Ahmed, Sara 2017. Living A Feminist Life. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Bagelman, Jennifer Jean, and Carly Bagelman 2016. “Zines: Crafting change and repurposing the neoliberal university.” ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 15.2: 365-392.

Dimpfl, Mike, and Sara Smith 2019. “Cosmopolitan sidestep: University life, intimate geopolitics and the hidden costs of “Global” citizenship.” Area 51.4: 635-643.

Knight, Michael Muhammad 2015. “UNC Must Confront Its KKK Legacy.” Time. Available:

Levenson, Michael, 2020. “Toppled but Not Gone: U.N.C. Grapples Anew With the Fate of Silent Sam.” The New York Times, February 14. Available:

Little, Maya 2018. “VOICES: Contextualizing UNC Chapel Hill’s Confederate Monument in Blood.” Facing South. Available:

Reuben Rose-Redwood, Derek Alderman, Altha Cravey, Scott Kirsch, Omololu Refilwe Babatunde, and Josh Inwood. “#KickOutTheKKK: Challenging White Supremacy at UNC,” American Association of Geographers News (blog), accessed August 17, 2017,

 Strike Down Sam. 2018. “Call to Strike in Light of Carol Folt’s Proposal to Reinstate Silent Sam at UNC.” Silence Sam. Available:

Tyson, Timothy B. 2015. “VOICES: The Future of North Carolina’s Past.” Facing South. Available:

Velasco, Gabrielle, Caroline Faria, and Jayme Walenta, 2020. “Imagining Environmental Justice “Across the Street”: Zine-making as Creative Feminist Geographic Method.” Geohumanities

Additional References

Babatunde, Omololu Refilwe Babatunde, 2019. “Black Liberatory Senses of Place: Creating From Abject Otherness.” Undergraduate Honors Thesis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Black Out Loud project:

Chapman, John Yonni Chapman, 2006. “Black Freedom and the University of North Carolina, 1793-1960.” PhD diss., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Counter Cartographies Collective (3C’s). 2006. “disOrientation Guide.” .

Counter Cartographies Collective (3C’s). 2009. “disOrientation Guide 2.0.”

Fryar, Charlotte Fryar. 2019. “Reclaiming the University of the People: Racial Justice Movements at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.” PhD diss., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill).

Footnotes (revisions) art exhibit. November-December 2017 at John and June Alcott Gallery at UNC- Chapel Hill. Available: and

Harney, Stefano, and Fred Moten. 2013. The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning and Black Study. New York: Minor Compositions.

Menefee, Heather 2018.  “Black Activist Geographies: Teaching Whiteness as Territoriality on Campus.” South: A Scholarly Journal, 50, no. 2: 167-186.

“Names in Brick and Stone: Histories from UNC’s Built Landscape” course website:  (History/American Studies 671: Introduction to Public History, taught at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill by Dr. Anne Mitchell Whisnant in 2015 and 2017 and assisted in 2015 by American Studies Graduate Research Assistant Charlotte Fryar.)

Purifoy, Danielle. 2019. “Shrieking Sam.” January 14. Scalawag.

Roseboro, Donyell 2005. “Icons of Power and Landscapes of Protest: The Student Movement for the Sonja Haynes Stone Black Cultural Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.” PhD diss., University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

“Silence Sam Film”, a student led participatory documentary. More information available here :

Tatlock, Jeanine (2017). Expanded Histories, Hurston Hall plaque: 

The Carolina Story: A Virtual Museum of University History:

The Whirlwind, April 2014, vol. 1.

Zine Bean Collective. 2018. Dear White Friends.




Cómo citar

FLOCK, F. G. C. (2021). Making a Zine, Building a Feminist Collective: Ruptures I, Student Visionaries, and Racial Justice at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 20(5), 531–561.



SI - Controversy in Anti-oppression Pedagogies (Guest Ed. Nicole Laliberte)