Privilege and Mistake Making in the Practice of Activist-Scholarship


  • Evan Weissman Syracuse University


Palabras clave:

Food justice, privilege, activist-scholarship, photovoice


Simply stated, food justice emerges from an inherent critique of both the conventional food system and alternative food efforts as privileged and white. Food justice activist-scholarship aims to engage the critique through collaborative teaching and research that promotes social change. This work is often precarious, tied directly to questions of positionality. In this paper I discuss mistakes I have made in the practice of food justice activist-scholarship by drawing on examples from a photovoice project with youth.

Biografía del autor/a

Evan Weissman, Syracuse University

Evan Weissman

Assistant Professor of Food Studies

Department of Public Health, Food Studies, and Nutrition

Falk College

Syracuse University


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Cómo citar

Weissman, E. (2018). Privilege and Mistake Making in the Practice of Activist-Scholarship. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 17(4), 1067–1084.



Themed Section - Food Justice Scholar-Activism and Activist-Scholarship (Guest Eds Reynolds, Block, & Bradley)