In Arms’ Way: Arms Company and Military Involvement in Education in the UK


  • Anna Stavrianakis Department of International Relations, University of Sussex



national security, globalization, economic competitiveness, commercialisation


Arms company and military involvement with schools and universities in the UK takes a number of forms and has a variety of effects. Countering mainstream narratives around national security, good and bad forms of globalisation, and economic competitiveness, I argue that these effects are best characterised as the commercialisation and militarisation of education in pursuit of state and corporate goals. These are both forms of instrumentalisation that damage the autonomous space educational establishments strive to provide. Such developments are not going unnoticed however, and resistance to them continues.


How to Cite

Stavrianakis, A. (2015). In Arms’ Way: Arms Company and Military Involvement in Education in the UK. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 8(3), 505–520.