Corporate Social Responsibility in Higher Education


  • Ed Brown Department of Geography, Loughborough University
  • Jonathan Cloke Globalization and World Cities Group, Department of Geography, Loughborough University



corporatization, academia, marketization, social responsibility


This paper begins by exploring the ongoing debates about corporate involvement in UK universities and the broader marketization of the higher education sector of which it is but part. Following this, we move on to consider whether higher education institutions might also be conceptualized as corporations in their own right and whether the current preoccupation with ideas of corporate social responsibility might have any progressive potential for those of us interested in addressing the operating principles and practices of the institutions where we work.


How to Cite

Brown, E., & Cloke, J. (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility in Higher Education. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 8(3), 474–483.