Just Academic Mobilities in an Unjust World





academic mobilities, climate change, conferencing, social justice


Addressing academic mobilities in a time of climate breakdown requires a transformation in social values, behaviors, and systems. Our related task is twofold. First, scholars must foster knowledge production and circulation that 1) challenge a status quo that stems from colonial, capitalist, and racist histories and 2) are consistent with an inclusive, equitable, and low-impact academy. Second, we must strive for just geographies in an unjust world of climate, socioecological, and academic disparities. Such goals necessitate working for far-reaching changes within academic institutions as well as for systemic change in the broader world.


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How to Cite

Sultana, F. (2024). Just Academic Mobilities in an Unjust World. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 23(4), 293–295. https://doi.org/10.14288/acme.v23i4.2470



Special Issue: Climate Action Task Force 2023 Plenary Lecture and Forum