Acaparamiento Verde y Gris en la Construcción de Infraestructuras en Tenerife (Islas Canarias, España)
port infrastructure, tourism, social movements, nature, green grabbing, gray grabbingAbstract
Often, during or after crises, the impulse of urbanisation and tourist activity intensifies the processes of nature exploitation. In this paper we address the protest against urban-tourist development and the commodification of nature on the island of Tenerife through the processes of green and grey grabbing, trying to illustrate them through three examples: a mega-port in Granadilla de Abona and two tourist infrastructures (a luxury hotel in La Tejita and a large luxury residential housing complex in Puertito de Adeje). These three interventions generate an important social mobilisation and repulsion against the destruction of socio-natural resources. Based on participant observation, dialogue with activists involved in the protest and the administration, and media coverage, we analyse the strategies of green and grey grabbing on the island. Their relationship to the protests and the idea of rights to nature and to the island allow for a better understanding of complex society-nature relations and their emancipatory potential. We understand these two concepts as the control of the societies inhabiting these places over decision-making and natural resources, but also as a framework towards a potential degrowth and redistributive political project oriented towards an ecosocial transition.
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