Doing Critical GIS


  • Dillon Mahmoudi University of Maryland-Baltimore County
  • Taylor Shelton Georgia State University



Critical GIS, geographic thought and methodology, mapping


This special issue emerges from a two-day workshop of the same name, held on April 1st and 2nd, 2019, in Baltimore, Maryland. Inspired by the continued growth and purchase of theories and practices of critical mapping, this workshop began from the provocation: “what should the doing of critical GIS look like?” Avoiding any single, universalizing answer to this question, the diversity of contributors to this special issue is mirrored in the diversity of their responses. ​​Through examinations of indigenous, queer, and feminist mapping practices, new theoretical framings for critical mapping and new technologies for producing non-Cartesian maps, and approaches to participatory data collection and mapping (and the limitations thereof), the collected papers each present their own partial perspective on expanding what doing critical GIS can, and ought to, look like. Despite the variety of approaches offered up by the special issue’s constituent papers, this introduction frames these contributions through a focus on two general themes that run throughout these papers: (1) the mapping of presences, absences, and relations, and (2) rethinking the processes of mapping. Or, put slightly differently, what we map and how we map. Ultimately, while the papers in this special issue offer a number of different paths forward, there are similarly many paths still untaken when it comes to doing GIS critically, which offer countless opportunities for continued growth in this work moving forward.


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D’Ignazio, Catherine, and Lauren F. Klein. 2020. Data Feminism. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

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Harley, J. Brian. 1988. “Silences and secrecy: the hidden agenda of cartography in early modern Europe,” Imago Mundi 40 (1): 57-76.

Harvey, David. 1972. “Revolutionary and Counter Revolutionary Theory in Geography and the Problem of Ghetto Formation,” Antipode 4 (2): 110–125.

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Jefferson, Brian Jordan. 2018. “Predictable policing: Predictive crime mapping and geographies of policing and race,” Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108 (1): 1-16.

Kelly, Meghan, and Amber Bosse. 2022. “Pressing Pause, ‘Doing’ Feminist Mapping,” ACME: An International Journal of Critical Geographies 21 (4).

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Kitchin, Rob, Justin Gleeson, and Martin Dodge. 2013. “Unfolding mapping practices: a new epistemology for cartography,” Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 38 (3): 480-496.

Lally, Nick. 2022. “What can GIS do?” ACME: An International Journal of Critical Geographies 21 (4).

Leszczynski, Agnieszka. 2012. “Situating the geoweb in political economy,” Progress in Human Geography 36 (1): 72-89.

Lucchesi, Annita Hetoevėhotohke'e. 2022. “Mapping violence against Indigenous women and girls: identifying and moving beyond colonizing data and mapping practices,” ACME: An International Journal of Critical Geographies 21 (4).

Mahmoudi, Dillon, Amy Lubitow, and Mackenzie A. Christensen. 2020. “Reproducing Spatial Inequality? The Sustainability Fix and Barriers to Urban Mobility in Portland, Oregon,” Urban Geography 41 (6): 801–822.

Mahmoudi, Dillon, Chris L. Hawn, Erica Henry, Deja Perkins, Caren B. Cooper, and Sacoby Wilson. 2022. “Mapping for whom? Communities of color and the citizen science gap,” ACME: An International Journal of Critical Geographies 21 (4).

McElroy, Erin M.B. 2022. “Digital Cartographies of Displacement: Data as Property and Property as Data,” ACME: An International Journal of Critical Geographies 21 (4).

Payne, Will B., and David O’Sullivan. 2020. “Exploding the phone book: Spatial data arbitrage in the 1990s internet boom,” Annals of the American Association of Geographers 110 (2): 391-398.

Schuurman, Nadine. 2000. “Trouble in the heartland: GIS and its critics in the 1990s,” Progress in Human Geography 24 (4): 569-590.

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Shelton, Taylor. 2017. “The urban geographical imagination in the age of Big Data,” Big Data & Society 4 (1): 1-14.

Shelton, Taylor. 2022. “Situated mapping: visualizing urban inequality between the god trick and strategic positivism,” ACME: An International Journal of Critical Geographies 21 (4).

Shelton, Taylor, Ate Poorthuis, and Matthew Zook. 2015. “Social media and the city: Rethinking urban socio-spatial inequality using user-generated geographic information,” Landscape and Urban Planning 142: 198-211.

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Swab, Jack, and Jack Gieseking. 2022. “Toward Queering the Map 2.0: A Conversation with Michael Brown, Larry Knopp, and Bo Zhao,” ACME: An International Journal of Critical Geographies 21 (4).

Thatcher, Jim, Luke Bergmann, Britta Ricker, Reuben Rose-Redwood, David O’Sullivan, Trevor J. Barnes, Luke R. Barnesmoore, Laura Beltz Imaoka, Ryan Burns, Jon Cinnamon, Craig M. Dalton, Clinton Davis, Stuart Dunn, Francis Harvey, Jin-Kyu Jung, Ellen Kersten, LaDona Knigge, Nick Lally, Wen Lin, Dillon Mahmoudi, Michael Martin, Will Payne, Amir Sheikh, Taylor Shelton, Eric Sheppard, Chris W. Strother, Alexander Tarr, Matthew W. Wilson and Jason C. Young. 2016a. “Revisiting critical GIS,” Environment and Planning A 48 (5): 815-824.

Thatcher, Jim, David O’Sullivan, and Dillon Mahmoudi. 2016b. “Data colonialism through accumulation by dispossession: New metaphors for daily data,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 34 (6): 990-1006.

Wilson, Matthew W. 2011. “Data matter (s): legitimacy, coding, and qualifications-of-life,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 29 (5): 857-872.

Wilson, Matthew W. 2017. New Lines: Critical GIS and the Trouble of the Map. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

Xu, Wenfei. 2022. “The contingency of neighbourhood diversity: Variation of social context using mobile phone application data,” Urban Studies 59 (4): 851-869.




How to Cite

Mahmoudi, D., & Shelton, T. (2022). Doing Critical GIS. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 21(4), 327–336.



Special Issue - Doing Critical GIS