A Path for Connecting Flows of Value and Forms of Urbanization in Post-1989 Balkans


  • Kostis Plevris Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne




uneven development, urbanization, rate of profit, methodology, Balkans, centralities


Expanded value polarizations are drivers of urbanization; they can be witnessed through their respective urban forms and the particular positions they assert in the city. They also help us grasp the city in its integrity, enabling the articulation of the rest of urban forms. For this, the value flow is divided in its phases -accumulation, circulation and distribution- in order for its respective urban forms to arise, and then it is recomposed again, now on a higher level of understanding of the city’s inner articulation. We propose a methodology in order to spot these flows, then to discern their forms and finally to contemplate on the city as a whole, through the social subjects implicated in expanded capital reproduction. We apply it in cases from the Balkans; the peninsula is a testing ground for scientific approaches and its visible urban polarisations do not leave us indifferent before the social explanation of these phenomena which may refresh urban theory in general.

Author Biography

Kostis Plevris, Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne

PhD in Urban Geography


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How to Cite

Plevris, K. (2019). A Path for Connecting Flows of Value and Forms of Urbanization in Post-1989 Balkans. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 18(6), 1234–1260. https://doi.org/10.14288/acme.v18i6.1828