Les artistes dans la gentrification rurale


  • Guyot Sylvain Université Bordeaux Montaigne, CNRS
  • Méténier Marie Université de Limoges, CNRS, GEOLAB
  • Tommasi Greta UMR CNRS 6042 GEOLAB Université de Limoges




gentrification rurale, artistes, espaces ruraux, espaces protégés, domination, environnement


This article explores interrelations between artists, environment and rural gentrification, through researches conducted in England and France. In these geographical contexts, it will be argued that artists emphasize socio-spatial changes and emerging socio-environmental inequalities. Firstly, the paper highlights multiple links between artists and rural and protected areas, in particular spatial forms of artistic establishment and their effects in terms of gentrification. Secondly, the paper seeks to deconstruct the role of artists in rural gentrification. Either pioneers or catalysts of the process, artists can locally boost social and spatial forms of domination. For some artists, gentrification can embody an opportunity from a professional point of view. Therefore, through their creations, artists can exacerbate tensions and support new forms of exclusion. Nevertheless, art proves to be a relevant tool to freshen dialogue within gentrified countryside.


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How to Cite

Sylvain, G., Marie, M., & Greta, T. (2019). Les artistes dans la gentrification rurale. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 18(3), 688–723. https://doi.org/10.14288/acme.v18i3.1699