Dai Commons al Commoning (urbano): Pratiche e Orizzonti Politici Nel Contesto Mediterraneo. Introduzione al numero speciale


  • Cesare Di Feliciantonio National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis (NIRSA) National University of Ireland Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland
  • Silvia Aru Università degli studi di Siena Dipartimento di Scienze sociali, politiche e cognitive




Commoning, commons, austerità, Italia, Atene, Argentina


From (urban) commons to commoning: political practices and horizons in the Mediterranean context. Introduction to the special issue

In the guest editorial we present a short review of the most recent debate concerning urban commons and commoning processes. We briefly highlight the main themes discussed in the papers composing the special issue regrouped around three thematic lines: i) the reappropriation of common spaces in times of austerity; ii) the ambivalence of the urban common; and iii) the methodological challenges raised by commoning practices



How to Cite

Di Feliciantonio, C., & Aru, S. (2018). Dai Commons al Commoning (urbano): Pratiche e Orizzonti Politici Nel Contesto Mediterraneo. Introduzione al numero speciale. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 17(2), 258–268. https://doi.org/10.14288/acme.v17i2.1623



Themed Section - From (urban) commons to commoning: political practices and horizons in the Mediterranean context